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From Apprentice to Senior Account Handler – careers with Hazelton Mountford

A career in insurance has been a rewarding experience for Ellie Jones from Hazelton Mountford.

At only 25 years of age, Ellie has already forged a career in insurance by joining Hazelton Mountford as an apprentice, working hard to gain her Diploma in Insurance and achieve her subsequent Senior Account Handler status.

On joining Hazelton Mountford in 2013, Ellie, who had no background and knowledge of insurance, was able to learn and grow significantly throughout the apprenticeship scheme. Ellie learnt, for example, the fundamentals of the law and principles behind it, how insurance worked and soon passed the IF1 exam on the road to completing the Cert CII.

Throughout her time at Hazelton Mountford, which will be 10 years next year, there have been opportunities to progress and grow within the company. On her way to becoming a Senior Account Handler, Ellie worked in various Departments: starting in Let Property, moving into a part time role in the Claims Department and then to a full time Commercial role.

Ellie says: “I’ve been able to gain valuable experience with all different types of insurance policies and understand how they work when a claim does indeed arise.”

Ellie continues: “Over the past few years, I’ve developed a specialism in Haulage and Equine along with general commercial business and in March 2020 I was offered the chance to move with my manager to start the Evesham branch of the company, all the while undertaking my exams and coursework for my Diploma, which I recently obtained.”

Hazelton Mountford specialise in general Business Insurances with particular expertise in Haulage, Property, Charity and Equine Insurance. Click here for more about our services.

About her career so far, Ellie explains: “As I started work only a few weeks after turning 17, with no work experience behind me and no idea about office life, never mind insurance, I was launched into a whole new world.

It was daunting, for sure, however my manager at the time quickly made me feel at ease and, in no time at all, I felt like I’d always been part of the team. The people you work with can either make or break a job, and, luckily for me, I’d found myself part of a team that encouraged you to be you and where being a little weird or quirky didn’t matter – because we’re all a little weird in our own way and, soon enough, colleagues became close friends. In an environment like this, it’s hard to do anything but thrive and it’s because of this constant support and encouragement I worked my way up to becoming a Senior Account Handler.”

Lee Summers, Branch Director, speaks highly of Ellie and welcomes her pragmatic approach to learning and enhancing her career. Lee says:

“Ellie has shown how, with a great deal of time and effort, that you can push yourself and achieve what you want in your career if you’re determined to do so. As a company we want to see our team grow in experience and confidence, so we naturally want to continue to support Ellie and everyone else in that. Not simply to enhance the companies’ offerings but also, and more importantly, to support Ellie and the rest of the team personally, to move forward in a positive way. I extend a huge ‘well done’ to Ellie on achieving her Diploma and well deserved promotion!”

Ellie concludes: “I owe my career to Hazelton Mountford, not just the Directors, but to everyone who helped and mentored me along the way. I’m looking forward to seeing where the company goes next and I’m excited to be a part of that journey.”

For more about a career with Hazelton Mountford, please call Director Simeon Chapman on 01905 611951.

As seen online at Insurance Business Magazine, Herefordshire & Worcestershire Chamber of Commerce and BusinessWorks Magazine Worcestershire & the Black Country.